A number of incentives are provided by the Australian government to eligible apprentice and employers. These include the commencement incentives, completion incentives, rural and regional skills incentives, wage subsidies and matured age incentive along with trade support loans.
The program also offers arrangement of incentives for employers and personal benefits. However the payments a based on the eligibility criteria and should follow the guideline laid down in the program.
Government incentives for apprentices
All individuals are offered financial assistance if they become an apprentices so that they can handle the cost of undertaking any sort of training program. However it is essential that the apprentices should be eligible to participate in the priority occupation list. Individuals who have trained in the priority occupations will receive help of $ 5000 or $1250 which is paid every 6 months for the first two years.
The benefits of becoming an apprentice
The benefits of becoming an apprentice are often overlooked. If you are about to finish your school and do not have an idea of what you would like to do in the future applying for an apprentice ship program is a good idea. It is one of the best ways to earn money while you are getting training. Even though the wages might seem pretty basic but it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and after you have completed one year of training you might be retained by your employer if you show good progress. As a result you might find yourself being promoted just one year after finishing your training.
Learning to work in a professional setting would allow you to take responsibility for your actions and it would also teach you the proper Behaviour for the work environment and also gain the respect of your family. Most people can benefit from the on-going and personalised support offered by them endorse. They would be there to answer all of your questions during and after the training is well and once you find yourself enjoying the work that you do it can open up new career Pathways.
Working professionally is different from attending school or university. When you become a Trainee you can ease into the environment and also have people guide you along the way. This would allow you to get an edge over your colleagues because you would be learning the ropes of work life on a daily basis and at the same time earning a bit of cash.
The training program supplying apprenticeships in Perth allows you to experience the different career paths and can also make you employable in future companies. Most apprentices get an opportunity for discount from different restaurants clothing stores and gym membership for this you would need to receive a NUS student discount card.
When you begin the training program you may not have the grades to go to the next level of the career, but if you have got a chance to improve your functional skills it can help your progress well because of the experience that you have gained on the job.